January 31, 2025
Contact us at: 800.444.4834
November 22, 2024
Aubrey Corwin, M.S., L.P.C., C.R.C., C.L.C.P., Director of VDI, was retained by Defense counsel in Las Vegas, NV, to provide expert opinions on Plaintiff’s future medical care needs and ability to work and earn wages. On the date of the incident, Plaintiff was operating a moped without a driver’s license and crashed into a tractor-trailer driven by Defendant. Plaintiff alleged multiple injuries, and that she was unable to work in the same capacity as she had pre-accident. Ms. Corwin and the VDI team determined that based on the multitude of records provided for review, as well as the opinions of Plaintiff’s treating providers and medical experts retained by Defendant, there was no medical evidence that the subject accident altered Ms. Gillie’s employability or earning capacity. In addition, following her limited medical treatment, she was found to require no future medical care. Ms. Corwin provided an Earning Capacity Evaluation and Assessment of Future Care Needs and a supplemental report for Defense to take to settlement negotiations. Following the resolution of the case, our retaining attorney said the following, “You can rest assured that Ms. Corwin’s work helped us. And we are certainly pleased with the outcome. We settled the case for far, far less than what Plaintiff wanted.” VDI was so pleased to have contributed to this favorable resolution.