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Kaelix Pannell, et al. v. United Parcel Service, Inc., et al.

May 11, 2023

In May 2018, a UPS driver ran a stop sign and collided with Jodi Pannell’s vehicle; she was 13 weeks pregnant with her son, Kaelix, at the time. Aubrey Corwin and VDI were hired on behalf of the Plaintiffs by Lou Accurso of the Accurso Law Firm to provide an earning capacity evaluation/vocational rehabilitation opinions for now 4-year-old Kaelix Pannell. Due to a severe brain injury that Kaelix sustained while in utero, it was the opinion of the Plaintiff-retained medical and damages experts that he would be unable to graduate from high school, participate in higher education, compete in the labor market, or have access to gainful employment as an adult. Ms. Corwin relied on published, peer reviewed methodology, utilizing Kaelix’s family demographics, to determine that he likely would have graduated high school and completed a bachelor’s degree to have access to a myriad of vocational options had he not been injured. Because of this, Ms. Corwin opined that he sustained close to $2 million in future lost wages. The case eventually went to trial to end in a resounding success of a $65 million dollar verdict for Plaintiffs. Ms. Corwin and her team at VDI are thrilled to have been able to assist the Plaintiffs in reaching such a life-changing resolution.

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