July 17, 2024
Contact us at: 800.444.4834
June 3, 2022
This case concerned an 85-year-old man who was involved in a motor vehicle accident. VDI was retained by Plaintiff to complete a Life Care Plan to assess Plaintiff’s future care needs.
Prior to the subject accident, Plaintiff’s health was stable. Following the accident, he experienced ongoing pain and symptoms related to injuries he sustained in the accident. These include post-concussion syndrome, shoulder pain, as well as pulmonary and cardiovascular issues. VDI collaborated with Plaintiff’s treating providers to determine what his future medical care involved and then developed a comprehensive Life Care Plan. This Plan noted all treating physician’s recommendations for future care and associated costs for care. Our Plans are developed with appropriate, peer-reviewed methodology and extensive cost research to provide the most accurate projections of a Plaintiff’s economic damages.
Plaintiff’s case went to trial in August 2021, where our Director, Aubrey Corwin, testified to her Life Care Plan. Plaintiff received a 100% Plaintiff verdict on liability, and the jury awarded economic losses for Plaintiff’s medical care for almost the full amount of the Life Care Plan. After an offer by Defense of $10,001, the jury award, plus interests and costs, resulted in a total of $767,000 to Plaintiff as a result of injuries sustained in the subject accident.
July 17, 2024
Director and CEO of VDI, Aubrey Corwin, M.S., L.P.C., C.R.C., C.L.C.P., was...
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