January 31, 2025
Contact us at: 800.444.4834
November 22, 2024
In many cases, our experts provide an initial report based on the records provided for review, and as additional information and records are produced through discovery, will need to update their opinions with supplemental and rebuttal reports. One such case is the Mendivil v. USA matter. Michele J. Albers, M.S., L.P.C., C.R.C., C.L.C.P., was retained by Defense counsel in this Federal court case to provide an Earning Capacity Evaluation and Assessment of Future Care Needs following the subject incident. The Plaintiff sustained a brain injury as a result of an encounter with a border patrol officer while attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border. At the time of the incident, the Plaintiff was operating a stolen vehicle and evading law enforcement. Ms. Albers disclosed an initial report, a rebuttal report to Plaintiff-retained experts, and a second supplemental report throughout the course of the case. Defense counsel was able to use these reports to favorably settle the case during months of negotiations. Their office kindly said at the conclusion of the case: “Thank you to you, your colleagues, and Ms. Albers for your invaluable expertise on this case.”